Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Skylark- Skylark #1

Wohoo I finished it! I'm really happy to say that it was a really good book! Overall I gave it somewhere between 4-4.5/5.

Summary (according to goodreads)- Sixteen-year-old Lark Ainsley has never seen the sky.

Her world ends at the edge of the vast domed barrier of energy enclosing all that’s left of humanity. For two hundred years the city has sustained this barrier by harvesting its children's innate magical energy when they reach adolescence. When it’s Lark’s turn to be harvested, she finds herself trapped in a nightmarish web of experiments and learns she is something out of legend itself: a Renewable, able to regenerate her own power after it’s been stripped.

Forced to flee the only home she knows to avoid life as a human battery, Lark must fight her way through the terrible wilderness beyond the edge of the world. With the city’s clockwork creations close on her heels and a strange wild boy stalking her in the countryside, she must move quickly if she is to have any hope of survival. She’s heard the stories that somewhere to the west are others like her, hidden in secret—but can she stay alive long enough to find them?

When I started reading this book, I was reminded of the book 'City of Amber'. Lark lived in a city that's protected by a Wall. Everyone believed that they were the only humans left and if they leave the city they would die. But, this book is quite different as it revolved around magic. I loved the whole idea of it. At first it was confusing in a good way. It made me want to keep reading, so I would understand. When the Institute kept harvesting Lark, I knew that they're not good guys. I also think that everyone else always forgets what happened during the harvesting. That's why no one ever talked about how painful it was. I loved how the 'outside world' was described in the book. I thought the idea of the shadow people were very scary but clever. And the whole idea of magic turning them back into humans is just awesome. Lark was alone for quite a while, so there were hints here and there that seemed unimportant at the start. The writing was quite descriptive. I liked how Lark's reaction to seeing new things were described. Such as the sky, bees etc. It was believable, like it wasn't too much or too subtle either. The whole use of magic weaved into what I imagined to be the futuristic world, was very creative. So yeah, I quite liked the writing style of this book.

I loved the characters. At the start, Lark seemed to be a kinda weak and needy girl who's very curious. But then you realise that she's also very brave. I mean, if I was in her place, I don't know if I'll be brave enough to escape. I think her adventure outside the city also made her more matured. She learnt how to survive in the wild, which must be very hard. I loved Oren too. He was very mysterious, and he intrigued me. Obviously he had been out in the wild for many years. But how come? How is he still alive, was a mystery. I was very surprised when I learnt the truth. I just never expected THAT. I was saddened when he left without Lark. Well it's more like she told him to leave. I really, really hope that they'll end up together in the next book~
There was also a tiny hint that this could've been a love triangle with Kris. I mean, Lark trusted him at the start, and he did help her. When they met again, I really thought that might happen. Even from the start, I must admit I didn't like Kris. Something about him made me dislike him. But I honestly thought he was a good guy! Apparently not though! I was very surprised when he betrayed Lark. Like....wow what just happened?!

So, overall it was a very good book. I can't wait to read the next book. I really want to know if Lark and Oren are going to meet again, if she finds her brother and many other things!


  1. Do you think I would enjoy it? I love cassandra clare, the tiger saga, the iron fey, and the wolves of mercy falls.

    1. I think so yeah. It has magic, adventure and interesting creatures like the iron fey series.
      I suggest you give it a try, you probably will like it :]

      I loved those books too by the way~ the Iron fey series is just awesome! ^^

    2. I Loved the iron fey! they weren't all wings, sparkles, faerie dust and that stuff. It had Shakespeare in it which I thought was a really cool incorporation. I think I will read it. Sounds good and I'm running out of books to read. Can you check out my blog? I really like yours so can you give me some suggestions on what to fix up?
